“Home” – 09.07.14

Posted on September 18, 2014

The way the house smells during the winter
The way dad sits at the kitchen counter when he gets home from a late shift
My goofy dog greeting me at the front door
My love’s loft, and the beautiful clutter that he created within it
The necessary squeezes from nana when she stops by to pick up leftovers
The way my backyard gleams during all seasons
Waving to the kids I went to high school with as they drive by the house going 15 over the limit
My kitten biting my nose to tell me she’s hungry and it’s time to get up
Laying in bed alone just sinking deep into thought
Taking showers that seem to last a lifetime when no ones home
And mama telling me I look pretty before I leave for work.
I know I’ll miss it. I already do.


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