Boston, MA – 10.17.14

Posted on December 26, 2014

Airplane Wing Delilah Toni and Jon Strange Planet Crew Toni Clementine Noe Family Noe Backyard


I (Toni) flew home a week into our Charleston adventure. Mum began to miss me too much and asked if she could fly me home for a long weekend. How could I refuse? I hopped on a plane at the small, one terminal airport, and arrived in chilly Boston. I missed everyone more than I realized. If I wasn’t holding my sister’s hand, I was kissing my mum on the cheek, or laying across my dad’s chest. I had been so distracted by my adventures that I forgot how good it felt to be around my favorite people. I ate pizza with all of my favorite people, cruised around my hometown late at night with my best friends, and walked through my woods by myself, feeling like a little kid again. The visit was just what I needed. Thanks mum!


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