Philadelphia, PA (Part 2) – 09.12.14

Posted on October 2, 2014

Experience People Night Arrival

Experience People Breakfast

Toni and Dan

-Photo by Rob Loud (

Brian Loungin

VW Rearview

Brian and Rob Cornfield


While our night was coming to an end at our campground in Philadelphia, we watched as a beautiful Volkswagen pulled up to the office and attempted to check in after hours. Knowing that the office was closed we had a feeling they would be in trouble and wouldn’t get a site but hoped they would sort out another solution. On our walk with Willow an hour later we noticed they were still there and on their iPhone’s looking for another place to camp. The fact that they were young (which seems to be rare in our travels) and had such a cool camper with license plates from California, prompted us to go chat with them and ultimately offer to share our campsite. We are very glad we did.

As it turns out Brian and Rob are currently on a three month, 20 city journey across the USA. They call their adventure “Experience People” (@experiencepeople) and have a goal of “Digital Enlightenment” which involves technology assisting real life interaction as opposed to strictly online interaction. This is a movement we can get on board with. Brian (@brianhiss) runs the company and is the face of the movement and Rob (@rob.loud) is a talented photographer/videographer along to document this amazing journey.

The first night was spent getting to know each other and sharing a beer around a re-lit bonfire while checking out the other’s campers. The following morning was spent making community breakfast on the grill, playing with a remote control helicopter and more stories of each other’s travels. Hanna (@hannathalen) the babely blonde was out visiting Brian and Rob and had some trouble going back to the real world as a director’s assistant after seeing how free life can be living in a camper. We said our farewells after a quick photo shoot in a nearby cornfield.

It was really cool to meet some like minded travelers and individuals. Their journey is truly worth following, make sure to check out and check out their Instagram links above for recent updates!
Farewell Philly!

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