Washington, D.C. – 09.21.14

Posted on October 14, 2014

Toni Airville

-Spent a night in Western Pennsylvania before we headed towards D.C. Absolutely beautiful there. This was snapped in Airville, about ten minutes from our campground.

Washington Insomnia

-Dan’s late night delirium.

Birds at Monuments Dan and Willow on bike -We rented bicycles! Probably time to buy our own.

Willow and Bike Flags around Monument Dan and Toni on Bikes Toni Lincoln Monument Lincoln Monument BW -Hey man!

Toni at Bottom of Monument Stairs Washington Monument and Flag White House -Quick hang sesh with the prez.

Toni and Willow Sleeping


Washington D.C. was purely spur of the moment. We hadn’t discussed going until some plans in Pennsylvania fell through and left us with some free time. Turns out, we ended up having way more fun than expected. We found a beautiful state park just twenty minutes out of the city and hit the sack early so we were prepared for the next day’s historical activities. We followed the signs for D.C. and kept our eyes on the Washington Monument, in search of somewhere to park. After walking a bit we decided it was time to try something new. We rented two bicycles, tied Willow’s leash to Dan’s seat, and cruised around the city, stopping at anything that caught our eyes. The result was much better than expected. Surprisingly, no one was hurt in this trial run! We see bicycle purchases in our future!

The rest of the afternoon was spent in Georgetown. We walked along the water, poked our heads into some unique shops, and ate too much frozen yogurt. As night began to roll around we made plans with Dan’s cousin, Andrew, who lives in D.C. for work. He took us to his favorite local restaurant, a mum and pop Mediterranean spot with heavy, pink, draped curtains, dim lighting, and a waiter with an obvious toupee. We dined like the fancy people we are, snacking on homemade hummus and sipping red wine. We headed to a whiskey bar down the street from Andrew’s apartment for dessert. The walls were lined with hundreds of bottles of whiskey…more than you can even imagine. We sat at the bar and learned the intricate details of each whiskey that was sipped.

Our second day in D.C. was a lazy one. Hiking at the state park, some blogging, necessary Game of Thrones catch up, and diner food. D.C. has a historical charm that is hard to replicate. It was a good stop indeed.
We’re off to the beach!

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